Ready for IELTS Pp. 140-149
Vocabulary: Words associated with Art
Listening:IELTS Section 2 - Radio program about a street exhibition
Task 2: Describe a favorite work of Art
Task 3: Advantages / Disadvantages of the arts society - Arts funding - Does Art have an educational role
Reading: Graffiti (Street Art or crime)
Breakingnews English:
1. Art galleries waste of time for kids, says artists 2014 (
2. The Louvre is most visited art gallery 2013 (
3. Graffiti and litter linked to obesity (
4. Pensioner attacks famous work of art (
Speaking Tasks
link) Super Best IELTS
Describe a work of art that you really like. Tell:
* What it looks like
* Where you first saw it
* Why you like it
Describe a well-known painting you have seen or know about You should say:
* What it looks like
* What is interesting about it
* Why it is well-known
Objective IELTS 10.1 (Communicate) Pp. 8-13
Reading: Whistling in Gomera (Scanning / True - False - NG)
Grammar: The Passive
Speaking Task 1: Problems communicating
Listening: Part 1 (Completing a form)
Reading: The Functions of Language
NPR Listening (National Public Radio)
1. Miami Area Muralists Rouse A New Reputation For An Industrial City (
Lesson on Miami Area Muralists Rouse A New Reputation For An Industrial City(
2. When There's Art On The Bus, You'll Get To Your Stop Sooner.
3. On A Roman Street, Graffiti Celebrates 'SuperPope'

TED: My wish - To use art to turn the world inside out
Ted: Art that craves your attention (